The Selection Trial Process

Hills Hornets Touch has become increasingly popular as a place where junior players want to play representative touch football. This culminated in Hills Hornets winning the Junior State Cup Southern Conference Club Championship in 2022 & 2023.

It also means selection trials are becoming increasingly competitive as players benefit from the coaching provided by our team of experienced and talented coaches.

Although missing selection in a representative team can be disappointing for the player and their family, it is more a demonstration of how difficult it is to make teams than it is a reflection on an individual players ability to play the game or their potential to make a future representative team.

It is also the case that kids develop at different rates athletically, and some who have developed a little earlier will have the advantage during selection trials. The differences are exacerbated by the JSC divisions encompassing 2 ages.

Touch Football is a Technical Game

There is far more to touch football than running and passing.  It is a game that can be highly technical, requiring players to understand how to position their body in different scenarios and how to move in coordination with their team to achieve outcomes in attack and defence.  Every movement on a touch field has a purpose.

A few years ago it was only the open elite players that required the technical knowledge.  These days, with improved coaching, more and more junior players understand the technicalities.  Representative selectors for junior teams are now looking for players who also have an understanding of theses technicalities within the game.

The Hills Hornets Development Program

The Hills Hornets Development Program has been created to teach junior players the technicalities as well as the specific skills required to play touch football in a fun and safe environment.

It is designed to provide those who missed selection with the same quality of coaching as those who did get selected.  The same coaches who coach at the club, regional and state level, are the same coaches who coach within the development program.  These coaches give their time for the development program because they know they will be drawing on this pool of talent in future years.

The success of the program is evidenced by previous participants who have not only become a Hills Hornets Representative at State Tournaments in later years, but have also become regional team representatives at national competitions.

Alex McIlwraith - Dev Squad Member 2016 (u10) & 2018 (u12). Sydney Scorpions NYC Representative 2021-2023. NSW Merit Team 2023. Mens Premier League 2023.

What’s Involved?

Training sessions will be held weekly focusing on skill development

We will look to enter development teams into the Sydney Scorpions Gala Day on Saturday January 20.  Training is important and can achieve a lot, but testing those skills in game situations is equally important.

How do I get involved?

Compete the expression of interest below.

Player Information

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Parent Information

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