Office Holders
Brad Mitchell, President.
Brad has been involved in Administration of Touch Football since 1995. He has been at Hills Hornets since 2005 and became President of the club in 2008. He boasts 25+ years of playing experience and is a current Australian Touch representative after competing in the 2011 and 2015 World Cups and 2013 and 2017 Trans Tasman Series.
Brad Currently works for Touch Football Australia as the General Manager of Participation.

Katrina McIlwraith, Secretary.
Katrina is a welcome inclusion on the Hills Hornets Touch Executive committee and has been involved at the club since 1998 when she was part of the clubs first title in the Mixed Open Division. Katrina is also a Life Member of the club after being inducted in 2008 and the first female Executive committee member. A Regional, State and Australian representative Katrina offer the club a wealth of knowledge at all levels. Katrina is a self employed Workplace Health and Safety Professional.

Keith Lee, Vice President.
Keith Lee has stepped into the Vice President role in 2019 and offers a wealth of experience through this tenure at NSW Touch. His understanding of the sport at all levels has been a valuable asset to the Hornets as both a player and administrator. His business acumen is a welcome addition to the Executive and we look forward to many years of dedicated service.

Craig Egginton, Treasurer.
Craig is another long standing Hills Hornets representative with 2014 being his tenth year at the club. He accepted the role of Treasurer back in 2008 and has been instrumental in the clubs resurgence. Craig is not only a representative player but he is also a junior representative coach, referee and selector. Craig is also a successful builder and is part owner in a local building company.

Dave Nolan, Coaching Director.
Dave Nolan joned the club committee as the Coaching Director in 2019. Dave has an extensive experience in coaching all levels of touch football including as Head Coach for Australian teams. Dave has been a mentor for many coaches for Hills Hornets over a number of years and formally joined the club committee in 2019. Dave has responsibility for the coaching organisation within the club with a particular focus on the Men’s and Women’s Premier League programs

Lucinda Wehrle, Referee Coordinator
Lucinda was appointed as Referees Coordinator in 2020.
Lucinda has responsibility for Referee development at Hills as well as coordinating the allocation of Hills refrees across local, State and National competitons.
Lucinda has overseen the rapid growth and development of the Hills Hornets Referee team.

Kira Moujalli, Park Comp Coordinator
Christine Matta was appointed Park Comp Coordinator in 2024.
Christine is reponsible for the logistics of putting on the Park Competition each night. Christine ensures the volunteers are allocated to the various roles required and ensures the smooth running from start to finish.
Christine also plays touch and has represented Hills Hornets at State Cup competitions over a number of years.

Phil McIlwraith, Head of Digital.
Phil was appointed the newly created position of Haed of Digital in 2015. He has responsibility for the clubs website and social media platforms. Phil designed and built the clubs new look website in 2017.
Phil has been around the club since 1988 as a player and more recently as a coach at junior and senior level.
Phil is currently an IT solution Architect within banking and finance.

General Committee Members