Hills Hornets Touch are seeking expressions interest from players for the 2023 Senior State Cup.  The tournament is currently scheduled to be played in Port Macquarie from Friday December 1 to Sunday December 3 2023.

The club will decide what teams will be entered based on the expressions of interest received.  It is really important you register in the divisions you want to play in.

Close out date is SUNDAY 22nd OCTOBER.

Players must be registered and playing in Hills Hornets Touch 2023 Spring or Autumn competitions to be eligible for representative team selection.

Where numbers require trials, these will be scheduled around existing programs (ie: Vawdon Cup training and JSC 2024 trials).

Teams To Be Entered


  • Women’s Opens – WOA/WOB (Born 2007 or before)
  • Womens’ 20’s (Born between 2003 – 2009)


  • Men’s Opens (Born 2007 or before)
  • Mens’s 20’s (Born between 2003 – 2009)
  • Men’s Masters (Born 1983 or before)


  • Mixed Opens (Born 2007 or before)
  • Mixed Seniors (Born 1993 or before)
  • Mixed Masters (Born 1983 or before)

Player EOI Form

Please complete the following form to register your interest in Senior State Cup 2023.

EOIs close Sunday October 22


Player Details


Uniform Details

Please complete the following fields if you require a playing uniform. If you played JSC 2022-2023 or Vawdon Cup 2022-2023, you will already have a playing uniform and will not need to complete this section unless you need a change of size or replacement.


Team Preference

Please select the teams you would like to be considerered for.