Hills Hornets Touch has emerged as the shining star within the sports community, proudly securing the title of “Community Club of the Year” at the highly regarded Sport NSW Awards. The award was received in front of a record-breaking audience for this event and dignitries including the NSW Minister for Sport.

President Brad Mitchell and Secretary Katrina McIlwraith graciously accepted the award on behalf of Hills Hornets.

The accomplishment stands as a testament to the club’s unwavering commitment to community engagement, outstanding sports administration, and the promotion of a culture centred around inclusivity and sportsmanship. Through their grassroots programs, community events, and volunteer initiatives, Hills Hornets has made a significant and lasting impact on the lives of their members and the broader community.

This achievement also serves as well-deserved recognition for the tireless efforts of the dedicated volunteers who generously contribute their time to serve the community.

NSW Touch General Manager with Katrina McIlwraith and Brad Mitchell

The success of Hills Hornets was not only a cause for celebration for the club itself, but also for the wider Touch Football community.

NSW Touch was nominated for the coveted “Community Event of the Year” for the Junior State Cup, and the Doyalson Dragons Men’s Open, nominated for Community Team of the Year”.

Among the memorable moments of the evening was the well-deserved tribute to Ian “Matto” Matthews, who received the prestigious “Distinguished Long Service Award” for his decades of dedicated service to the sport that brings us all together.

Ian “Matto” Matthews was awarded the Distinguished Long Service Award

As we celebrate Hills Hornets success, it is important to recognise the invaluable support provided by NSW Touch in nurturing and supporting community clubs like Hills Hornets across the state. NSW Touch’s unwavering dedication to the sport has created a platform for excellence, that fosters a culture of active participation and continual growth.

Brad Mitchell was overjoyed.

“An award like this represents a significant recognition for the individuals who contribute to the success of our club. From the dedicated committee members working tirelessly behind the scenes, to our devoted coaches who focus on developing young athletes, our team managers who ensure things run smoothly – they are all volunteers who work together for the benefit of the community, and make us who we are.” Said Mitchell.

“The Sports NSW Awards is a fantastic event. We get to hear about people of all ages, from a variety of sports, who are making valuable contributions to their communities. It is a wonderful initative by Sport NSW.”

“I offer my congratulations to all the nominees and award winners across all the various categories.”