Hills Hornets are pleased to announce details of trials for Junior State Cup 2017.
Register your interest at: http://goo.gl/SdKxXm
Junior State Cup is the largest sporting tournament held in NSW each year with over 17,000 attendees and divisions for under 10’s all the way through to the under 18’s. A great opportunity for the aspiring junior player and a chance to be the best team in the state makes this an amazing weekend every year.
More details at the NSW Touch Junior State Cup
page: http://www.nswtouch.com.au/representative/junior-state-cup/
Trial Details are as follows:
Trial 1
Date: Thursday 22nd September 2016
Girls and Boys u10’s: 5:00pm
Girls and Boys u12’s: 6:00pm
Girls and Boys u14’s: 7:00pm
Girls and Boys u16’s and u18’s: 8:00pm
Location: Wrights Rd Reserve, Kellyville
Trial 2
Date: Thursday 29nd September 2016
Girls and Boys u10’s: 5:00pm
Girls and Boys u12’s: 6:00pm
Girls and Boys u14’s: 7:00pm
Girls and Boys u16’s and u18’s: 8:00pm
Location: Wrights Rd Reserve, Kellyville